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Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke

Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke: A Review

Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke is a self-study course for learning Russian as a foreign language. It is part of the Assimil series, which is a popular and effective method for language learning. The course consists of a book and audio recordings, which can be accessed online or downloaded from SoundCloud . The book contains 100 lessons, each with a dialogue, notes, exercises, and translations. The audio recordings feature native speakers who read the dialogues at a natural pace. The course covers the basics of Russian grammar, vocabulary, and culture, and aims to help learners reach a level of B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

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The main principle of the Assimil method is to learn by listening and repeating. The course encourages learners to listen to the dialogues several times, first with the book, then without it, and finally to shadow the speakers by repeating their sentences aloud. The course also suggests reading the dialogues aloud, writing them down, and doing the exercises. The course follows a progressive approach, where each lesson builds on the previous ones and introduces new elements gradually. The course also uses a humorous and engaging style, with dialogues that feature realistic situations and characters.

The advantages of the Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke course are that it is comprehensive, flexible, and enjoyable. The course covers all the essential aspects of the Russian language, from the alphabet and pronunciation to the complex cases and verb aspects. The course also exposes learners to a variety of topics and registers, from everyday conversations to literary texts. The course allows learners to work at their own pace and choose the amount of time they want to spend on each lesson. The course also makes learning fun and motivating, with dialogues that are witty, informative, and culturally relevant.

The disadvantages of the Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke course are that it is expensive, challenging, and incomplete. The course costs around 70 euros for the book and audio recordings, which is quite high compared to other courses. The course also requires a lot of dedication and discipline from learners, who need to follow the instructions carefully and practice regularly. The course also does not provide enough feedback or guidance for learners, who may struggle with some concepts or questions. The course also does not cover all the aspects of the Russian language, such as writing skills, advanced grammar, or specialized vocabulary.

In conclusion, Assimil Novi Ruski Bez Muke is a well-designed and effective course for learning Russian as a foreign language. It is suitable for learners who are looking for a comprehensive, flexible, and enjoyable way to learn Russian. However, it is also expensive, challenging, and incomplete, so learners may need to supplement it with other resources or courses.


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